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The Senior section is open to all Club members aged 55 and over and provides something for all senior golfers, regardless of ability or skill level. Our current membership includes golfers in their late fifties to more senior gentlemen with varied handicaps from single figures to high thirties.

On most weeks, we meet up at 8.45 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a friendly roll up played over 13 or 14 holes. The format is normally a better ball, teams are selected by way of a draw in the morning. We think it is a great way to meet and play with different members.

During the Summer months, we play a number of local clubs in the Manchester and District Seniors League. We have entered the Manchester Alliance Seniors knockout competition and have also continued the tradition of playing a small number of friendly social inter-club matches. Our members really enjoy games against friends in other clubs and the chance to play different courses. The aim is primarily to have a good time although we all play with a friendly competitive edge.

Throughout the main golfing months, we also play eight qualifying Stablefords, three Board competitions, a charity match plus pairs and individual knockouts. There’s no time to get bored and plenty of opportunity to maintain an up to date handicap. Winners of the main competitions can secure bragging rights for years to come, by having their name recorded on the Seniors Boards!

We pride ourselves in welcoming new members. If your are interested contact any member of the Seniors Committee (Seniors Contacts) or simply turn up and enjoy one of the roll ups.

We’re sure you will enjoy it.

Alan Goodall (Seniors Chairman 2024/25)



10th March 2024 – Seniors Knockout Competitions
The entry sheets for this upcoming season’s Senior Section Singles and Doubles Knockout competitions will be on our Seniors notice board from Monday 11th March.

If you wish to enter, please enter your name, and in the case of the Doubles Knockout, your WHS handicap index.

The closing date for entry is April 10, and the draw for opponents, and in the case of the Doubles Knockout, your doubles partner, will be conducted on April 12.

6th March 2024 – Nearly a Hole in One This Morning!
Andrew Ward narrowly missed out on a hole in one on the 15th hole in this morning’s Seniors Rollup after his excellent tee shot finished a couple of inches short of the hole!! Andrew said his disappointment was slightly reduced by the fact that he didn’t have to buy a bottle of whisky!!

16th February 2024 – Seniors AGM
Outgoing Seniors Chairman Pat Walker reported on a very successful year for the seniors, one of the highlights of which was again reaching the final of the MDSGL. Unfortunately, this had to be cancelled due to heavy rain making the course at Blackley G.C. unplayable, so it has been re-scheduled to take place in April.

Three additional Stablefords were introduced last season which gave members, especially 5 day ones, more opportunities to submit cards for handicap purposes as well as giving everyone more chances of winning a prize. Twenty one different players won a Stableford prize in 2023. Pat outlined differences to this season’s Seniors fixtures. Changes have been introduced to the MDSGL that will mean we will play some new clubs in the League, plus additional competitions have been added to our fixture list. The coming season looks to be very exciting with plenty of variety and opportunities for all our members.

Pat presented prizes to the winners of the major events. These included Stan Spencer (Vet’s Cup), Pat himself (George Scott Trophy), Keith Wright (Singles Knockout), Andy Bowers & Steve Parr (Doubles Knockout) and Nigel Thorpe (Individual Stableford Aggregate Prize). The other major competition, the Marcliffe Cup, was presented to Rob Holden on the day in August.

The Player of the Year trophy is awarded by the Chairman annually and Pat’s choice this year was Jeff Stewart, in recognition of his hard work and commitment in undertaking many tasks that contribute to the smooth running of New Mills Seniors golf. Jeff was Chairman during the difficult year of Covid and has subsequently organised all the Seniors competition booking on BRS and HowDidIDo, as well as taking over the management of the club website earlier in the year from Tom James. Congratulations to Jeff on a thoroughly deserved achievement.

Alan Goodall was elected as Seniors Chairman for the coming year, with Nigel Thorpe acting as Vice Chairman and also taking over from Tom as Secretary. Clive Garside was re-elected as Treasurer in the absence of other volunteers, for another year.

Gifts were presented to Clive Garside and Phil Smallman in recognition of all their hard work over the years in organising and running our annual Seniors Open. This will, in future, be undertaken by Sam.

At the end of the meeting Pat presented Tom James with a framed card, signed by members of the Seniors, plus a gift voucher in appreciation of the contribution he has made over many years as Seniors Secretary.

The 2023 Seniors competition results can be viewed by clicking on the following link:- 2023 Seniors Competition Results

The photos below show some of those who received trophies on the day together with Tom receiving his ‘Thank You’ present from Pat.